- Cc5x C Compiler Cracked
- C++ Compiler Online
- Cc5x C Compiler Crack Version
- Cc5x C Compiler Crack Windows 10
David Tait's Links to Internet PIC Resources
Cc5x C Compiler Cracked
Frozen 18th May 1999
- The CC5X compiler allowed all code to be written in C. Feedback from a professional user in Germany: 'I really like this (CC5X) compiler, actually i´m using the HI-TECH-Compiler for an PIC17C756 and i´m not happy about the generated code.
- One dongle license is needed for each compiler type – MPLAB XC8, MPLAB XC16 and MPLAB XC32/XC32 More information can be found on the MPLAB XC Dongle License pages. Trial 60-Day PRO License A trial PRO license for the MPLAB XC C Compiler can be activated to give 60-days of PRO compiler operation for evaluation.
CC5X C Compiler B. Knudsen Data 1.2 Installation and System Requirements The CC5X compiler runs on IBM-PC compatible machines using MSDOS, including compatible platforms (Windows NT, Windows 95/98). There should be at least 400 kB of free RAM below the 640 kB limit.
Here I have collected a few links related to PIC (aka PICmicro)microcontrollers.The links have been carefully listed in a totally random order. I'vetried to keep nearly everything on one graphics-freepage deliberately; even thoughthe page is quite large now it should take less time to downloadthan the opening graphicsof most commercial sites.
You can probably turn up many more PIC related links yourself witha WWW search and if you find anything interestinglet me know.
- David Tait's PIC archive [Updated 27/Oct/98]
A collection of PIC-related files available via theWebor byFTP.If you have any information you think would be of interestto PIC fans juste-mail me and I'll let youknow how to upload your file. The archive is also where I keep my own contributionsto the PIC scene:
- First PIC Projects. A brief description of the EEPROM PICs (16x84) and a couple ofsmall programs for asimple test circuitto start you off.
- PIC16F84 programmer. This file describes how to program PIC16F84 (or PIC16C84)microcontrollers via thePC parallel port. Command-line software for MS-DOS is supplied in bothexecutable and C source form.Maplin Electronicsused anearlier designas the basis of an article(Electronics - The Maplin Magazine,September 1996) and sell akit version.The file also describesvery simplehardware I call a 'quick and dirty' programmer.This is very similar tothe scheme adopted by the UK magazineEveryday Practical Electronicsfor their programmer and I've putsome stufftogetherso that my software can be used with that design too.
- In-circuit 16F84 ProgrammersI've adapted my programmer software toprogram the 16F84 in-circuit using the PC serial (or parallel) port.
- TOPIC. This file describes acombined programmer/project board for the 16x84 series whichattaches to a PC printer port. TOPIC spawned Michael Covington'sNOPPPdesign published in Electronics Now (September 1998 edition).
- 16C5X Programmer. As there doesn't seem to be any easy-to-getinformation on DIY PICprogrammers for the baseline PICs (16C54/55/56/57) (at least, anyDIY designs that don't require you to buy pre-programmed partsfrom the designer) here is some software to program thesePICs using myuniversal PIC programmer hardware.
- Microchip
Visit this site(or use FTP)to get free PIC development tools plus PDF data sheets andapplication notes. A gold mine of information as you would expect fromthe makers of the PIC. Many regreted the demise ofMicrochip's dial-up bulletin board but they now have severalonline discussion groupswith much the same content.
There was PIC-FAQ once upon a time; you can still get thetext versionbut it's hopelessly out of date.
- Parallax [Updated 27/Oct/98]
Manufacturers of PIC programmers and the PIC-based BASIC Stamps.Useful information available here or viaFTP. ThePIC applications handbookis essential reading even though the examples don't useMicrochip mnemonics (Parallax had a utility calledswapcode that did a fair job of translation between MPASM compatibleassembly language and their8051-like dialect).Christer Johansson maintains aList of Stamp Applications. UK agents for Parallax areMilford Instruments.
- First steps
For electronic hobbyists keen to dabble with microcontrollers thePIC16F84 (or the older 16C84) is one of the best chips to getstarted with (nowadays it has strong competition from theAtmel AVR chips and look out for the new 16F87x family). One of themost compelling reasons for starting with the 16F84 is that it uses EEPROMtechnology; this means the edit-assemble-program-test cycle can bevery rapid indeed - you'll never want to use UV erasable chipsagain. Most hobbyists are also attracted to this devicebecause Microchip provide free development tools and it is easy tohomebrew a cheap and cheerful programmer.For example,Andrew Errington's PIC page tells you how he got started with PICs.Andy wrote someWindows based software to controlthe PIC16C84 programmer described in the Microchip applicationnoteAN589.Steve Marchant has developed his ownin-system programmer; Steve's page also has pointers to all thedocumentation you'll need to get you started.Another guide to getting started is provided bySam Engström.If you areconfident you can develop PIC based projects then you are likely to have allthe skills necessary to build a simple PIC16C84 programmer sohave a go. Yourfirst projectcan be based on a very simpletest circuit;or a slightly more complicatedre-programmabletest circuit and associateddemo programs.Peter Anderson provideslots of introductory material and more projects you can try.DIY Electronics sell PIC-basedkits including a PIC programmer kit designed by Charles Manningand the documentation includes anIntroduction to the 16C84in Word format which many will find helpful. Stan Ockers sayshe clearly remembers his first steps and has put together ashort tutorial introducing the 16F84 (and more) througha temperature logging application.
- PIC Books [Updated 17/Aug/98]
Personally I think Microchip's PIC databook and Embedded Control Handbook arethe most useful PIC books. Virtually everything in both is availableon-line from Microchip's WWW siteor CD-ROM.Nigel Gardner's 'A Beginner'sGuide to the Microchip PIC' is now available in revised form(revision 2.0). The book includes basic facts about the baseline and midrange PICs and illustrates the steps involvedin PIC project development. My feeling is you'll soonoutgrow the book, however, it does contain some useful adviceand is less intimidatingthan a datasheet if you are meeting PICs for the first time.Nigel Gardner andPeter Birnie have produced a followup to the beginner's guide calledthe 'PIC Cookbook - Volume 1' (Volume 2 should be around by now).The authors manage to describe 40 working applications in a 162page A5 format book which is only possible by leaving outthe program listings, however, fully commented source is providedon a companion disk.Whatever stage you are at, seeing examples of PIC hardwareand PIC source codeis useful.Gardner booksare available in the high street from Maplin. Another book mentioned in the FAQ is David Benson's 'Easy PIC'n' which by allaccounts is a good introduction (pity about the title :-). This bookis large format and has a very informal style. It has some usefulthings to say and although the examples don't really get you beyondthe LED flashing,key pushing stage that's certainly a good start.A follow-up to 'Easy PIC'n' is the intermediate level bookcalled 'PIC'n Up the Pace'and an even more advanced book is in the pipeline I believe. (UK residentscan order copies of David Benson's books fromEdward Buckley).Other books I've heard about include'PICs in Practice' by Volpe and Volpe (mostly 16C5X stuff)fromElektor Electronics;one fromPICLIST regular Myke Predkoentitled'Programming and Customizing the PICMicrocontroller' (I've heard good things about this one)and a book dedicated to the 8-pin PICs by Gordon MacNee called 'TheGreatest Little PIC Book' (available fromFarnell).John Peatman wrote a textbook I used during my undergrad daysand he has recently turned his attention to the PIC with'Design with PIC Microcontrollers'(see Prof Peatman's homepage for more info). One I've just come across(Jul/98) is by John Morton called'PIC - Your PersonalIntroductory Course'. A search for PICon www.amazon.com may turnup even more.
- PIC tools for the rest [Updated 19/Jun/98]
Microchip tools are of limited use if youdon't use a PC with a Microsoftoperating system. Furthermore, the only readily availablePIC programming hardware is aimed at PC owners. The rest of you are on your own. Even the Machas little support although there are a few things:Rick's PicMacpage and, for DIYers,Francis Deck's Web pagegives you all you need; or seeLauri Pirttiaho's KISSapproach. The Warp-17 17CXX programmer fromNewfound Electronics can be used withMacs (both 68K and Power PC based) thanks toKevin Coble's MacPIC package.The Amiga is served by Dirk Duesterbergand Ioannes Petroglou'sAmiga PIC tools page. Amiga owners can now use DIY 16C84 programmers (includingthe Maplin kit) thanks to Nick Waterman'sAmiga portof the original PC software (see Nick Veitch's articleon PIC programming in the July 1998 issue ofAmiga Format). Also for the Amiga is theEpic PIC16C84 programmer.There were some attempts to produce PIC tools for Acorn machinesand Stuart Tyrrell runs thePicAcorn mailinglist pages which have few things. Search this page for Linux/Unix/NetBSDstuff.
- PIC Infosite [Updated 16/Feb/97][Disappeared?!]
Gareth Downes-Powell has put together a set of pages dedicated tothe PIC16C84 and is looking for contributions. The pages alsodescribe a range ofPIC development boards you can buy.
- PicPoint [Updated 5/Sept/97]
An Italian site dedicated to PICs run by Tiziano Galizia and Sergio Tanzilli.Lots of information available in both Italian and English.Must see.
- Silicon Studio[disappeared?!]
Antti Lukats' Silicon Studio has lots of goodies - have a looka the new SimmSticks for example.Several interestings things can be found in thedownload areasuch as the PICSTART lookalike programming software PIP-02 whichcan be used with a number of popular PIC programmer designs.(I have made a local copy ofPIP-02but its unlikely to be the latest version.)Other interesting things from Silicon Studio are available byFTP.
- Commercial PIC Tools and Toys [Updated 8/Apr/99]
Here I've tried to collect links to companies that have useful PICtools or PIC-based products but haven't already got a mentionelsewhere on this page.(For some others Arrick Roboticsprovide contact addresses rather than links).This list will never be complete ...
- EBLabs: In-circuitdevelopment tool. Free demo software.
- Sirius microSystems: PICdevelopment tools and training. Send them a PIC project and you couldwin a programmer.
- microEngineering Labs: PicBasiccompiler, programmer and protoboards.
- Micromint: PicStic STAMPworkalikes.
- R.F. Solutions: In-CircuitEmulator.
- Advanced Transdata Corp:In-Circuit Emulators, gang and development programmers.
- HOPCO: PIC programmer kitsfor enthusiasts.
- Axiom Manufacturing Inc: PICprogramming and development boards.
- Two Bit Computing: Embeddedcontrol design with PICs.
- Versatech Electronics:Tickit STAMP workalike.
- PROCHIPS Inc:ICE, programmers and training aids.
- Flight Electronics: PIC trainer.
- Dunfield Development Systems: C-FLEA, a Stamp workalike programmable in C.
- MadLab:simple educational kits, some PIC based.
- Webo Inc:PICbot multi-function embedded controller.
- J R Kerr PROTOTYPEDEVELOPMENT: PIC-SERVO motor control chip set.
- Cedardell:PIC based radio network equipment.
- Leading EdgeTechnology Ltd (John Morrison): PIC/smartcard programmers.
- LennardResearch: Low cost programmer and ICE.
- PJW Design:PIC programmers and prototype boards.
- Innovatus:PICbots.
- Current Dynamics: PIC programmer (schematic provided); free PCBwith software order.
- Devantech:low cost PICprogrammer and development board (schematic available).
- Visible Sound Limited: Simple PIC programmer.
- ROBOTNET: PIC-based robot controller.
- Baradine Products Ltd:PIC programmer.
- Scenix: High speed PIC clone.(See Alexey Vladimirov'sScenix net resourcesfor more info.)
- ProtoPlug Electronics:Prototyping boards.
- Scott Edwards Electronics:Serial LCD modules.
- Fine Innovations:Security and Automation products.
- Bamberg & Monsees GbR:(in German) PIC-Programmer.
- Icesoft:Sim84 simulator (demo available).
- Magenta Electronics: EPE PIC Tutor board and PIC kits.
- EPT Educational Software:PC based electronics course including PIC stuff.
- PicNPoke:Multimedia PIC Tools for the Beginner.
- Farsoft Computers:PIC Training courses and prototyping hardware.
- SofTec Microsystems:Development tools from many sources.
- Dove Systems:Lighting products with PICs inside.
- DIY Electronics:PIC-based kits.
- Eagle Air Australia PtyRemote control electronics (free 'RC mixer' design).
- EZE-RON InternationalPIC clones.
- Microsystem Development TechnologiesPicEm ICE.
- TechToolsClearView Mathias emulator.
- Control PlusPascal Programmable PICs.
- AWC ElectronicsStamp and PIC prototyping boards (program a PIC with a Stamp).
- Embedded MicroSystemsPIC prototyping boards, 'Digital Apprentice' software.
- Weeder Technologies PIC-based kits.
- Virtual Micro DesignUMPS: Universal Microprocessor Simulator.
- Oricom TechnologiesUniversal Protoboards and PIC-based products.
- RistanCASEC 'development assistant'.
- IMB ElectronicsLow Cost PIC Prototype and Development Boards.
- Consultant's corner [Updated 1/May/97]
There are lots of consultants specialising in PIC-based solutions. A few have theirown WWW pages like Nigel Gardner's (of PIC book fame)Bluebird Electronics.PIC solutions are also a speciality ofML Electronics.
- DIY PIC programmers [Updated 29/Oct/98]
Erik Hermann designed an ultra-simple PIC16C84 programmer which plugsinto the serial port of a PC and doesn't need an external powersupply. It's very neat but may not work on PCs that have lessthan ideal serial ports (like most laptops).There are several versions describedon the net including: Rolan Yang'sPICBlaster;Silicon Studio'sCOM84 (gone?);Ludwig Catta'sLudipipo (now withWindowssoftware thanks to Tord Andersson and briefEnglish documentation by Michael Covington);andJens Madsen'simproved version.Ralph Metzler wrote aC++ driverso that an ultra-simple programmer can be used with Linux.Luigi Rizzo'sPIC related toolspage has another variant.On a similar theme Jens Madsenhas designedwhat he claims isthe 'World's mosteasy' PIC programmer which uses just one resistor and a 5V power supply!
It's also possible to make an ultra-simple programmer for the printerport of the PC. Probably the first,blowpic,was designed by Mark Cox.Derren Crome'sEPE programmer is much the same but programs the PICin-circuit.The general idea is illustrated by the'quick and dirty'programmer.My 16X8X programming software is compatible with all three. The programmer section of myTOPIC boardis just a bit more complicated but doesn't require you to fiddle withswitches during the programming process.Michael Covington has strippedthe TOPIC programmer to the bone to produce what he calls a'noparts PIC programmer'. You could also considerStephen Nolan's8 componentprogrammer. This programmer was used as the basisof Niagara College's Computer Systems Design courseCOMP630.
Simple parallel port designs like my'Classic'16C84 programmer (see schematic:PDForGIF)can be used as near universalPIC programmers. For example,Tato computers'ProPicprogrammer design comes with Windows software for programminga wide selection of PICs and EEPROMS.A similar design is described byBojan Dobaj.The latter design can be bought as a kit (kit 96) fromDIY Electronicsor DonTronicsKit 96 page.G. Mueller has developed programmers for severalpopular microcontrollers. The PIC programmer, calledPIC-Flash II, is capable of programming many different typesalthough the free version is limited to the 16x8x.
- Buying PICs [Updated 17/Aug/98]
Although Microchip maintains an extensive list of approvedsales offices(some have their own WWW sites), nowadays you can buy PICs from almost any distributor. In the UKthe two best known are Farnell and RS Components.Possibly hobbyists are more familiar withMaplin and their high-street outlets.Although PICs are relatively cheap the prices in theFarnell, RS and Maplin catalogues don't compare favourably with USdistributors like Digikey.ThePIC16x84 is available cheaply in the UK thanks to the much malignedpay-TV hackers. Several companies specialise in supplying PIC-basedsmartcard replacements and often have 16C84s for sale at attractiveprices; for example seeTechtronics price list.Some time ago I found Crownhill Associates Ltd's pre-tax price of £2.20 forPIC16C84-04/Ps too good to miss and was pleasantlysurprised by the speedy service.More recently I boughtten PIC16F84-04/P chips fromKeymaster Software Ltdfor £1.89 each plus tax.Going by their price listanother good source isKestrel Electronics.Crownhill, Keymaster and several othersadvertise cheap PICs and EEPROMson Usenet in the alt.satellite.tv forsaleandcrypt newsgroups.
- Eric Smith's PIC projects
An interesting site that describes a variety of pretty inventive thingsto do with PICs. Eric is now developing things using theultrafast Scenix chip.
- PIC Micro Zone
Kalle Pihlajasaari has put together a collection of links and describeshis own favourite PIC projects.
- GNUPIC [Updated 5/Jun/98]
Started by Rick Miller but now maintained by James Bowman,the GNUPIC project is an effort to produce free PIC developmenttools for multiple platforms. When I last looked Paul Vollebregt'sEuropean GNUPIC mirrorwas still going.
- Fast Forward Engineering
Fast Forward let you ask PIC related questions via theirembedded systems programminganswer line.The answers are provided by PIC guruAndrew Warren.
- PICLIST Archive(alternative site) [Updated 8/Apr/99]
The PICLIST is a mailing list dedicated to PICs and isvery active (about 1500-2000 members generating 50-100 messagesa day!). It was starteda few years ago by Jory Bell. To subscribe you send a messageto listserv@mitvma.mit.eduwith a body that says SUBSCRIBE PICLIST Your Name (to leave thePICLIST send a message saying SIGNOFF PICLIST).Alan Nickerson maintains the PICLIST archives.Another way to get old PICLIST trafficis by sending the list server a 'GET PICLIST LOGyymm'command (where yy and mm are year and month respectively) - expecta very large file! Jeff Keyser keepsan alternative searchable PIC mailing list archive.Myke Predko has put together some info onPICLIST netiquetteand Tjaart van der Walt tells youHow to unsubscribe.A word to the wise: if you have a question about PICs don't ask me send yourquestion to the PICLIST; you have a lot more chance of gettinga useful answer!I recently deleted a lot of PICLIST mailI had accumulatedbut before I did I scanned it forlinks.in the hope that they might prove useful.
- PIC link collections [Updated 17/Aug/98]
I guess everyone has at least few links on their pages but here'sa few sites with more comprehensive lists.Industry watcherEG3 Communicationshas trawled the net forPIC resourcesand identifyAlexey Vladimirov's (ORMIX) page as probably the best for theenthusiast so be sure to have a look.See also the Universal PIC Resource Locatorwhich is an annotated PIC links page put togetherby Alessandro Zummo andEric Schlaepfer's links. Jonathan Cline's list is constructed by extracting URLs from postingsto the PICLIST and other PIC links pages. Other useful lists are provided byWolfgang Kynast andDonTronics.Links2go have chosen this page and several others as key PIC resources.Another way of finding links is by traversing thePICmicro webring.
- PIC Newsgroups and chat sites [New 22/May/98]
The PICLIST is without a doubt the most active forum fordiscussing PICs. A subject that is often discussed is whetherthe list should be replaced by a newsgroup but the answer hasalways been no. In any case there are a few groups that already includeposts about PIC related matters. The most relevant arecomp.arch.embeddedand the sci.electronics hierarchy(sci.electronics.designand sci.electronics.componentsare the main ones) butcomp.robotics.misc isalso popular with PIC people. Although they don't have much PIC specifictraffic, comp.realtime andcomp.arch.arithmetic are alsoworth a look. The groupalt.microcontrollers.8bitlooks like a good place for PIC discussions but seems to beneglected at the moment.
Mark E'silva hosts thePIC Users Chat Site.
- DonTronics
DonTronics, based in Australia and run by Don McKenzie offersPIC programmer kits and lots more. Don has a pagedevoted to Silicon Studio's little PIC (or whatever) project boards calledSimmSticks. US residents can purchase Don's PIC stuff fromWirz Electronics. Youcan also find DOS/Windows/NT software to support my 16x84 programmer there.
- Newfound Electronics [Updated 8/Apr/99]
A Source of inexpensive PIC programmers. Newfound show howa low-cost single PIC interface can permit simple DIY parallel portprogrammers to be used directly from MPLAB. Bob Blickhas built hisprogrammeraround one.
- E-LAB Digital Engineering Inc
E-LAB manufactures and supports a microcontroller board usingthe PIC16C57 microcontroller. They also generously provide anEmbedded Electronics Resource Directory.
- Pay-TV Hacking
Like it or not, PICs play a big part in the pay-TV hacking world.The idea is to emulate the smartcard needed by a pay-TV decoder(decrypter) using a card based on the PIC16C84. This is eitherillegal or at best in a grey area of the law depending on whereyou live (see Robin Marshall's personal opinion ofpay-TV hacking and the law).I'm afraid I know very little about pay-TV hacking but I often getasked about it simply because my programmer could be used toprogram a PIC-based card. If you want to know morethenDefiant's pages(and the associatedFTP site)seem to be the primary source of information. Look forPIC information in thepicprogand thed2macpicdirectories. You can also tryCLaNZeR,Tonto,Scansat(complete with a'newbie' page)and theMultimac site.Paul Maxwell-King has lotsof informationincluding details of a programmeryou can buy. Pay-TV hackers often get into a tizzy abouthex formats (they always have the wrong one) andPeter Jonassonprovides a converter as doesScansat.(I wrote my ownhex utilitiesfor fun).Thankfully, most hackers build theHenk Schaerprogrammer (beware an error in the 7407 pinouts)but there is some hacker-orientedsoftware to drive mine in the form ofBengt Lindgren's PIX and a program fromWillem Kloosterhuis.There are some commercial programmers oranonymously contributed programming files which are based on myprogrammer description.This means I often get requests for 'support' but it wouldbe better if all questions about this subject were aimed at thehackers who inhabitalt.satellite.tv.crypt.Commercial programmers specially aimed at the pay-TV hacking audienceare getting more sophisticated (which is just as well as manyhackers have difficulty putting together simple PIC programmers it seems).For example, I was interested to seetheKeymaster programmer,which looks like a nice product at a keen price. Low cost programmersare available viaNigel's pages.
- PIC security [Updated 26/Jun/98]
The popularity of the PIC16C84 in smartcards (or at least inpirate smartcards) means hackershave put a tremendous amount of work into trying to defeat itscode protection mechanism. One attack oncode protection security was discussed on the PICLIST andsome other information on cracking PICs is available fromDejan Kaljevic.Well known pay-TV hackerMarkus Kuhnhas recently co-authored a paper on hardware security attacks that mentions this and much more.Several companiesadvertise specialised programmers (often called 'PIC Busters')and following the links provided by the pay-TV sites mentioned abovewill eventually lead you to one. For example,Justin Farrellsells a self-contained device for copying protected 16C84sand offers a service to 'bust' other PICs including the 16F84which was supposed to be more secure than the 16C84.The non-EEPROM PICS werethought to be immune to attacks short of probing the die(too expensive and difficult for anyone but the most rich and determined).However, some companies claim they can crack code protectionand advertise this service inNuts & Volts Magazine.There was considerable interest in popping 16C54s in particular,mostly due to people wanting to pirate the Sony Playstation hackthough now there isDIY infoavailable for several PICs including the 8 pin versions. (See also Paul Maxwell-King's extensivePlaystation pages.)
Microchip have introduced some security measures in newerPICs thatcan hit the unsuspecting hobbyist in the wallet. If any ofthese PICs isprotected it cannot be reprogrammedbecause once code-protection is enabled it is permanent evenif the chip isUV erasable; quite a blowas windowed PICs are quite expensive in one-offs(some people claim it is possible to recover such PICs byprolonged - several hours - exposure to UV).
- Ham Radio and the PIC [Updated 8/Apr/99]
The PIC is a great processor for ham radio applications. A reallynovel application is Mark Sullivan'sPIC-based beacon- the PIC itself is used as the transmitter. The (unfortunatelyno longer available)Perth Radio Experimenters Group prefer the PIC for their projects(a PIC-based frequency counter and 50MHz synthesizer).Jeff Otterson's 16C84 basedtalking repeater controller.PicCon - a hidden radiotransmitter controller by Byon Garrabrant.G0BZF kits (morse tutor, keyers and beacon controller).Embedded Researchclaim to have the World's smallest iambic keyer (based on an 8-pin PIC).The PIC is popular with packet radio enthusiasts as controllers forradio modems (TNCs). The Bavarian Packet Radio Grouppage (ormirror) describesa 9600 bps FSK modem incorporating a 16C84.GMSK Data Productsuse PICs in their high-speed TNCs.TheG-QRPclub have featured several PIC-based projects in theirmagazine SPRAT.In the Winter 1996 edition they claimed a UK first bypublishing a 16C74 controlled DDS design by Mick Hodges(Mick was the author of several of the PIC projects andapart from the DDS controller he designed a frequency counterand iambic keyer; Mick now supplies thesource code).The April 1997 edition of theRSGB journalRadComhas an article by Andy Talbot and Lee Wiltshire describing a16C71 based serial port ADC for a PC - connect a radio and try some DSP!(Andy and Leehave generously suppliedfull details including several DSP-oriented programs for the PCcomplete with source code).The January 1998 issue of QST described Bob Anding'sPIC-based morse IDer (thesource code is available).Amateur TV (ATV) enthusiasts (and others)might be interested in Alain Fort's single PICvideogenerator. TheBritish Amateur Television Clubhave featured a few PIC projects in their CQ-TV magazine.Some really polished projects for ATVare described byS51KQ.Make sure you have a look aCharlos Potma'spage as he has a couple of interesting things based on the 16F84(50MHz microwattmeter and a frequency display) and promises more.If you are struggling with learning morse code check out theMorse tutor fromBrian Jones. Even better,Lawrence Foltzer's article in Ham Radio Onlineexplains how a PIC can read morse for you.K1EL sells iambic keyerchips (programmed 12C5XXs) and provides info on how to'roll your own'.TAPRhave some projects based on the PIC (currently you canhear RealAudio presentaions by TAPR members).Jacques, VE2EMMdescribes a 'Fox' controller and doppler unit.New Jersey QRP club host the'Ham-PIC' page.
- PIC Languages [Updated 29/Mar/97]
Undoubtedly most people program PICs inassembly language (there are two main variants: Microchip's ownand an 8051-like language from Parallax).For higher level programming BASIC, C and Forth compilersare available. I could be wrong but I think the only true BASIC compilersarePicBasicfrom microEngineering Labs andPIC BASICfrom FED(other BASICs exist but they do not generate native PIC code).For those who prefer C there is a lot of choice.MPC fromByte Craft and Microchip'sMPLAB-Capparently started out the same but are now quite different from each other. PCMfrom CCS is a relatively inexpensive compiler for PIC16CXXmicrocontrollers and seems quite popular. Don McKenzie resellsthe CCS compiler but he offers an impartialuser reviewof four popular C compilers. A PCM specificreviewis provided byHahntronix.Randy Rasa has more information aboutPIC C compilersincluding a review of MPC.TheCC5X compiler, despite it'sname, is suitable for both baseline and midrange PICs.Hi-Techhave a working demo of their PIC ANSI Ccompiler available for evaluation purposes and this is the only compilerI've tried much - I liked it.The stack-oriented language Forth seems an unlikely candidate for programming the stack starvedmid-range PICs but Michael Josefsson has managed to produce aForth compiler for the PIC16C84. A commercial Forth compileris available fromRAM Technology Systems. Some experimentershave devised their own high-level languages and offer compilers forthem.
- The Guru's Lair [Updated 15/Sep/97]
Respected technical author Don Lancaster seems pretty enthusiastic about thePIC as you can see for yourself by reading hisPIC related articles.It's probably worth your while sifting through Don's haphazardlist ofPIC Web sitesas there is bound to be many that I don't have on this page.
- Forest Electronic Developments
PIC development tools, PIC BASIC, and details of Robin Abbott's PICprogrammer (published in the now defunct ETI in 1995) are here.
- Magazines for the PICophile [Updated 9/Apr/99]
Nowadays virtually every magazine for the electronics hobbyistfeatures PIC based projects from time to time. Some magazineshave WWW sites.The UK magazine Everyday Practical Electronics (EPE) hasfeatured the PIC in several projects recently, for examplea simple 16C84 programmer,a mains power meter and a novel digital clock (a row of LEDs onthe end of a pendulum produces the display). The source code forEPE's PIC projects is available byFTPand via Thomas Stratford'sWWW mirror. For three issues starting in March 1998EPE is including a supplementwith a PIC tutorial. EPE is now available in anonline edition.(at the time of writing you can donload a free copy which includesa PIC project).Elektor Electronicshave featured some very interesting PICprojects including the obligatory PIC programmer anda transistor tester based on a 16C71.(Elektor is a trans-European magazine and you might find moretheir German WWW siteworth a look.)I'm less familiar with non-UK magazines but I'm told thatPIC articles haveappeared inElectronics Now andPopular Electronics. Steve Ciarcia's Circuit Cellar Inkoften features PIC based projects and makes support materialavailable; this includes a file to accompanyKen Pergola'sMicro-bRISCPIC programmer described in the January 1996 issue.Nuts & Voltscarries Scott Edward'sBASIC Stamp applicationscolumn (if you have never seen Nuts & Volts try asample copy).Another magazine with a WWW presence is the CanadianMicro Control Journal.One of my favourites for on-line browsing isEDN;you'll need to register to look atback issues but registration is free. PICs are sometimes featured inthe 'Design Ideas' pages. Spread spectrum enthusiasts have theirown online magazine and somePIC stuff.
- PIC projects at MIT [New 23/Jan/97]
Several projects at MIT's media lab use PICs particularly the PIC16C84.For example:R. Dunbar Poor's'personal' interface board called theiRX 2.0;and the Cricket project (tiny communicating robots) fromFred Martin.Elsewhere at MITRandy Sargent hasdeveloped a PIC simulator/assembler for UNIX.
- PIC experimenters [Updated 8/Apr/99]
This is a list of a few PIC experimenters I have come across while'surfing' orreading the PICLIST - most have useful information or filesto share.
- Walter Anderson(timer for plant watering);
- Greg Plummer(4-bit LCD code in MPC);
- Nigel Bryant (PIC links);
- Bal Soora;
- Matthew McDonald;
- Jacques Weiss (in French - digital clock, IR R/C decoder);
- Randy Rasa (lots of links);
- Johnnie Walker (gone?);
- Scott Dattalo (optimised math routines,gpsim,PICstart 16B schematic and interface code);
- Luigi Rizzo(simulator, programmer, frequency meter, cable checker);
- Mark Sullivan(R/C servo control);
- Mauricio Culibrk(serial and keyboard routines);
- Steve Lawther (keyboard monitor software);
- Luc Martin (MPASM-oriented editor for DOS; PicItUp programmer software);
- Werner Terreblanche;(variometer);
- Tim Kerby;(offers WWW space for your projects);
- Hiroaki Kobayashi (in Japanese,software for AN589 programmer);
- Bob Blick('propeller' clock);
- Tom Coonan(LCD controller);
- Brian Lane (programmersoftware for Linux);
- Mark Street (Windows16C74 programmer);
- Martin Darwin(16C84 Disassembler);
- Hiroyuki Moriwaki (Geo-Sphere: the PIC as art!);
- Stefan Bormann (wireless throttle for model railway, cable checker);
- Nigel Goodwin(programmer software, disassembler);
- Ian Harries (studentprojects based on PICs, info on LCDs and parallel port);
- Cord Johannmeyer (R/C projects, PIC tacho);
- Larry Chen (16C84/71 programmer designs);
- David Thomas (guitar tuner, MIDI sender and DTMF encoder);
- John Whitten Jr (robotics, PIC ultrasonic ranging system);
- Todd Moore(PIC robot thesis);
- Tim Rowsell (16C84 development system);
- Vince Catalfo (automation - under construction);
- Yves Amu Klein (Octofungi interactive sculpture - strange);
- Alejandro de Larraniaga (in Spanish, GPS links);
- Michael Covington (NOPPP: TOPIC compatible programmer);
- David Nicholls (alternative source of Bojan Dobaj programmer);
- Lars Siléns (SIL programming language);
- Philippe Techer (Universal Microprocessor Program Simulator);
- Leon Heller;
- Hannu Jokinen (C subset compiler);
- Timo Rossi(assembler and disassembler with C source);
- Barry Carter(in-air display);
- Massimo Grasso(MIDI PCU);
- Luis Yanes(PCB for Schaer programmer);
- Giorgio Alboni (in Italian, timer);
- Eduardo de Mier(pseudo random number generator);
- Jens Madsen (serial port programmers in varying degrees of complexity);
- Tony Nixon (Author ofPicNPoke educational PIC simulator- order from DonTronics);
- Edward Cardew(RC5 decoder);
- Edward Cheung(home automation with PICs);
- Jaakko Hyvätti (Linux driver for Jens Madsen programmer);
- Prashant Bhandary(PICs for model railway control);
- Theo Marketto(68K home automation system with PIC nodes);
- Myke Predko (PICLite language);
- Eric Van Es (16C84programs);
- Wim Lewis(Linux/NetBSD 16C84 programmer);
- Matt Bennett('Parts on hand' PIC programmer');
- Matthias Wientapper (Guitar tuner, 'Fidget' clock);
- Ints Mikelsons(PIC Spy);
- Mark E'silva(project page, links, chat site);
- Luberth Dijkman(analogue/digital prop-clock, plotter);
- Derren Crome(EPE programmer V-2.0);
- Brian Clewer(LCD, I2C and keypad routines);
- Andrew Warren(PIC TEA implementation);
- Tom Handley(logic analyzer soon);
- Jonathan Cline(robots, driving servos);
- Steven Kosmerchock (PIC and DSP links);
- Paul Haas(16F84 sonar);
- Charlos Potma (milliwattmeter, frequency display);
- Chuck McManis(PIC servo);
- Andreas Voigt (PicCalc for Win95/NT);
- Rickard Gunée(PIC Pong, PIC Tetris);
- Marco Di Leo(TEA crypto, random number generation);
- Alex Torres(PICLAB Programmer soon);
- Alberto Ricci Bitti (award-winning projects for PIC and AVR uCs);
- Kelly Kohls(DMX512 receiver);
- Jacob Blichfeldt(ProPic programmer PCB layout);
- Peter Lynch(stepper motor control with a 12C509);
- David Sorlien (MIDI footswitch);
- Dejan Kaljevic(POCSAG Rx);
- Tjaart van der Walt(GPS and general electronics links);
- Sean Breheny(automatic entry control system);
- Frank Vorstenbosch (include files for RS-485, delays, I2C ...);
- Eric Naus(servo controller for a robot);
- Janusz Mlodzianowski (MPASM preprocessor);
- Thomas Stratford (EPE projects mirror);
- Peter Kerckhoff(PICcam, morse generator);
- Bryan Rentoul(16C84 programmer for Win95);
- Paul Webster;
- Pavel Baranov (C and Pascal compilers, code generation aid, RT kernel);
- Henry Carl Ott(POCSAG encoder);
- Arno Hinrichs (?) (PICBIT - program 16C84s PLC style);
- Ian Stedman (Small C compiler - work in progress);
- Eric Behr(darkroom timer);
- Stefan Ranguelov (Parallax asm as MPASM macros);
- Ivan Cenov (useful macros);
- Dave Barrett (another Blick clock);
- Wouter van Ooijen(WISP - 16x84 in-system programmer, JAL - just another language);
- Karl Grabe(PIC Fuel consumption meter);
- Sami Khawam (PIC programmer, PIC aids for TI calcs);
- Robert Hoar (16C84 stepper motor controller with C source);
- Rick Dickinson (ideas for a serial sonar unit);
- John Morton(Learn PIC site);
- Jon Fick(PICs perform aerial feats; combination lock);
- Sandra Woolley(PIC projects at Birmingham University, PIC newsgroups);
- Jaco Swart(BrightStar programmer/development board, PICWave);
- David Meed(PIC LANC controller);
- Georg Hager (IR remote control, serial LCD interface);
- Eric Schlaepfer (PIC generated multisync video);
- Adriano De Minicis (English notes on a 50MHz frequency meter project);
- Eduardo Rivera (12C509 Triac control, IR decoder);
- Rick Farmer (Resident bootloader for the PIC16F87x);
- Mark Crosbie (Lego Robot, PIC programming in C with Linux);
- Ben Stragnell (Scenix programmer - called 'fluffy'!?);
- Lewin Edwards (8x8 LED 'billboard');
- James Bowman (gpasm);
- Reggie Bergin (PIC code snippets);
- Yves Heilig (tutorial, DCF77 clock).
- Pot-Pourri
A PIC macro-assembler calledASPIC.How to controlLCD modulesincluding aPIC example.(I wrote aC programto test a Hitachi LCD module by hanging it off a PC parallel portbut see Randy Rasa'sLCD project pagefor a more comprehensive version.)AlthoughDave Negrodoesn't specifically mention PICs,his page is a good place to start looking forIR remote control information.Mark Sullivan provides an automaticPIC code generatorfor infix expressions.A very nice lookingprogrammerpowered by a PC parallel port.There are FTP sites devoted to the PIC in Finland -ftp.funet.fi(look inburnersandpictoolsfor some PIC development tools for Linux)- plus a couple in Sweden -ftp.sics.seandftp.luth.se(where you can grab aPD C compiler for the PIC16C84 and PIC projects for R/C modelsby Ken Hewittand Phillipe Techer).A PIC-basedservo controller from Rick Farmer. APIC16C54 metronome in C.Tom Coonan'ssynthetic PIC- a VHDL model of a PIC.A Stamp basedrocket altimeter.PIC information mostlyculled from Usenet.PIC programsto accompany MaximApplication Notes on an inclinometer and battery charger.
Comments, suggestions and queries todavid.tait@man.ac.uk
Web space provided byManchester University.
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